My new favourite quote is from Rob Dial (look for a podcast called “The Mindset Mentor) who says “Success is nothing sexy. It's just a lot of boring habits practiced every single day.”
I’m so with him on this. I am always saying that there is an indivisible bond between success and self-discipline – like love and marriage, you can’t have one without the other. It’s about the things you do every single day.
Here are some of mine:
- Wake up early!
- Do at least an hour of exercise every day (3 times a week I do more because I take my daily walk and then also have a gym session with my personal trainer).
- Meditate for at least 10 minutes before starting work. On good days I will do 20 minutes. I use an app on my phone called “Insight Timer” and I always have a topic on which I meditate.
- Having a list of the most important things I must get done every day.
- Blocking out time in my calendar for work or activities that are important and require a chunk of time (preparation time; writing time; making travel plans; etc.)
- Practicing task completion – I make sure that I don’t hop between tasks like a grasshopper because I know how bad this is for my productivity.
- Making the phone calls and appointments I need to make early in the day (this is something I don’t like doing and I want to ensure that I don’t procrastinate).
Make a list of the disciplines that you know you need to practice every single day in order to set yourself up for success. I can’t wait to read your ideas: