7 Myths of Leadership
In my many years as an executive coach I have come across many self-limiting beliefs and assumptions that get in the way of real success.
It is my mission in life to enable my clients to free themselves of these unhelpful thought patterns and achieve real success as a result of a better understanding of how they and their people can do really well. I have written a series of articles on some of these myths in the hopes that you will find more effective ways of leading |
Myth 1:I am not like the other guy - this is an article about the frustrations good leaders experience when they succeed a tyrant and struggle to overcome the mistrust they have inherited from their predecessor. Myth 2:I am not Micromanaging - you may know this manager... the one who looks over your shoulder and breathes down your neck because she just wants to make sure you get it right. Myth 3: The Survey is Wrong - if you ask your people to respond to a climate or perception survey and you don't like the results, are you going to spin your wheels trying to prove the feedback wrong or are you going to consider what needs to change? Myth 4: I don’t care if they’re happy! Are you one of those managers who think it's unimportant for people to be happy at work? I've got news for you - it's very important! Myth 5: I don’t have time to meet with my team! If you lead a team and you never meet with them (for whatever reason) you're bound to have some problems. |
Myth 6: People under-perform when they’re uncommitted - this is not true at all. People really want to work at something that means something and there are all sorts of reasons why they disengage. This article explores this and what you might do about it.
Myth 7: Fear is a Great Motivator - isn't this the cherry on the cake? Fear impairs everyone's ability to think and solve problems. Piling on the fear when things are tough is counter productive. |
This is just a small sample from everything I have learned about human potential and performance over the years. Each situation is unique. I would love to hear about where are you are stuck right now, and help you work out how to get yourself moving again. Feel free to ask me a question and let's start the conversation.